Course Descriptions
HIM 208 - Quality Improvement, Legal and Compliance Issues for the HIM Practitioner
5 Credits
This course will encompass a survey of accrediting, licensing, approving and certifying agencies affecting health care facilities, including the various accreditation programs of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. Total quality management includes quality assessment, utilization management, risk management and credentialing. Additionally, the course will present to the student an introduction to the legal system, release of information, consents, administration of the law, evidence, torts, selected legal doctrines, the medical record in legal proceedings, liability of health care providers, current health legislation, and bioethical issues.
Prerequisite: HIM 103 with a minimum grade of C.
MCC General Education: MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the impact that Federal Legislation has had on the development of quality assessment and improvement.
2. Apply policies and procedures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of health data.
3. Analyze policies and procedures to ensure organizational compliance with regulations and standards.
4. Identify a complete health record according to organizational policies, external regulations and standards.
5. Collaborate with staff in preparing the organization for accreditation, licensure and/or certification.
6. Adhere to the legal and regulatory requirements related to health information management.
7. Analyze data to identify trends.
8. Identify potential abuse of fraudulent trends through data analysis.
9. Apply healthcare legal terminology used by the healthcare professional.
10. Identify the use of legal documents.
11. Apply legal concepts to the practice of health information management.
12. Apply confidentiality, privacy and security measures to protected health information.
13. Apply retention / destruction policies for health information.
14. Demonstrate procedures regarding the access / disclosure of personal health information.
15. Apply ethical standards of practice.
Course Offered Fall
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025